Bridget got her B’s and D’s mixed up as a child. She’s figured them out since, but not much more.

Bridget Gallagher is an Austin, TX-based artist. She works mostly with oil paints, and focuses on colorful, funny, zeitgeist-y subjects.

She spends her weekdays painting on her scorching hot Texas patio, and her weekends selling prints and original work at Austin’s many pop-up markets. In her downtime, Bridget loves listening to live music, borrowing her friends’ dogs, and hunting for treasure at Goodwill.

Read more about Bridget and her work in Oatly’s Hall of Fame.

Artist’s Statement

My goal with each painting, first and foremost, is to play. Let's put silliness up on a pedestal. Let's revere absolute goofball nonsense. I find inspiration in squirrely critters, garish colors, and (occasionally crude) wordplay.

These paintings are for all y'all who cackle instead of giggle, collect bits of sparkly trash 'just in case,' and don't mind being the loud oddball at the tea party.